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Oh, the Country! October 31, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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I took this picture on New Year’s Day of this year.  The weather was beautiful!  Crisp and clear, not too cold, just enough to make your blood run good and ‘tingle’ a little in your veins.  We had to be out in it, and went for a walk through the fields around our place.  I took lots of pictures, but this one seemed to capture the feel of the whole day better maybe than any of the others.

Patchwork Pillow October 23, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts, DIY Projects, Sewing.
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This was a fun project.  I’ve always liked the country feel of denim, and one day I was in ‘creating mode’ and decided to whip something up out of a bunch of scraps I’d collected.   This was really quick and easy.  I cut the small squares for the front out of scraps of new cloth, and out of the good sections of an old denim skirt.  For the back, I used the section of the skirt that had a patch pocket!  I thought the effect turned out pretty cute.

For this project you will need:

A sewing machine (unless of course you wish to sew by hand, in which case you will need a needle and a lot of patience instead >smileyface<)

A spool and bobbin of thread of appropriate color

Sewing shears or scissors

Denim scraps

Patch pocket   (if you don’t have a pocket already, you can easily make a  simple one by cutting a square (size of your choice – my pocket was 5 3/8 inches x 5 5/8 inches, not including flap) and hemming the edges.)



Cut 9 dark denim, and 14 light denim 2 inch x 2 inch squares for front of pillow, and one 10 in. x 10 in. square for back.  Sew front squares together, using 1/4 in. seam allowance, and being careful to get the dark squares in the right spots to accomplish the design.

Center pocket on back square and sew along sides and bottom, 1/4 in. from edge of pocket.

If you have a Serger, I recommend serging the outside edges of the front and back squares, before sewing them together.  Otherwise it would probably be a good idea to zigzag your edges to prevent ravelling on the inside.

Place front and back panels right sides together. Sew together sides and top (1/4 in. seam allowance) leaving bottom open.  Turn inside out and stuff with fiberfill.  Then I hand-stitch the bottom closed, simply because I feel like I have more control than when I use a sewing machine, and I can get the edges to look uniform all the way around, without a seam on the outside.  But if you don’t mind the outside seam, do it on the sewing machine.

Have fun!

Do It Yourself Projects October 23, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in DIY Projects.
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I want to try something new, and see how it goes.  Every now and then, I will start posting a DIY project, using something I have made as the example.  However, one must have at least basic skills in the crafting area the project deals with (sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc.) . 

The post above this one will be my first try at this.

Rain is Beautiful October 10, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Beading, Crafts, Crochet.
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I crocheted the medalions for these earings out of some left-over thread my cousin was throwing away after a project.  If you’ve read my previous posts, you have found that I delight in making something new out of something discarded.  When I first began trying to use up the thread, I’d hoped it would be enough for a small doily, but there was not near enough even for that.  So I just made two – very small, and just alike – not knowing what I would do with them.  I finally got the idea for earings, and this is what I came up with.  The day I took this picture was over-cast and looked like a rain would start to fall any minute.  The colors in these earings seemed almost to match.  I have always loved the rain, and I thought it was a beautiful day.

Date explanation October 10, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Misc.
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 Just a bit of explanation:  several of the previous posts have two dates, one that I typed in, and one that’s automatically posted.  When I first posted the entries, I did them in a kind of different way, so I had to go back and redo them.  The date I typed at the beginning of those posts is the date the entry was first written; the automatically-posted date is the date I redid them.  Hope all that makes sense!

Peace in the Storm October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 28, 2009


Many despair when the thunders role and the rains fall, 

When times seem dark, and the wind is fierce. 

But they don’t think of the thunder as a challenge,

They don’t feel the cool refreshing of the rain. 

They don’t accept the darkness as a refuge

Or the wind as the breath of Heaven…

There is beauty to be found anywhere – if we will have eyes to see it.

Cream Afghan October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts, Crochet.
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Sept. 23, 2009 


I originally made this afghan as a wedding present for the sister of one of my close friends.   It took me quite a while . . . by the time I finished it she was married, and I hated to send it late.   I decided to put it away for another occasion.

I have always wished I had brothers, and since I don’t have any, I have cousins and friends who are my “adopted” brothers.  This summer, one of these “brothers” got married, and I wanted a special gift to give him and his wife.  This afghan was one of my biggest projects.  It has also won more prizes than any one of my other creations.  I felt it was right for the occasion.

Revelation Rose October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 19, 2009


“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

                                                                                                                                  Rev. 4:11

October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts.
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Sept. 12, 2009


Probably what first got me started crafting was when my mom taught me how to crochet.  I was about eight or nine, but I remember how it almost seemed like magic – how you could take just a long, ordinary piece of yarn or string and a metal hook, and turn it into a blanket, or a hat, potholders, scarves, lacy doilys, or just about anything you set your mind to.  I’ve been at it ever since!



Rocking Chair Reflections October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 7, 2009


Have you ever taken the time to just sit on the front porch of a country house, enjoying the sunrise, or the lovely light after an autumn rain?  Perhaps there were two or three chairs, and you were blessed to be able to spend the special moment with some friends or family.  Did it make you thankful to be alive?  Did it calm your soul, or inspire your spirit?

I have been blessed with many of these moments.  They didn’t all take place on a front porch or in a rocking chair, but it seems like each time I get down or discouraged, the Lord sends me a moment like that – one that seems to whisper, “It’s ok.  I’m here.  It will all work out for good – your good, and My Glory”.