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Rocking Chair Reflections October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.




Sept. 7, 2009


Have you ever taken the time to just sit on the front porch of a country house, enjoying the sunrise, or the lovely light after an autumn rain?  Perhaps there were two or three chairs, and you were blessed to be able to spend the special moment with some friends or family.  Did it make you thankful to be alive?  Did it calm your soul, or inspire your spirit?

I have been blessed with many of these moments.  They didn’t all take place on a front porch or in a rocking chair, but it seems like each time I get down or discouraged, the Lord sends me a moment like that – one that seems to whisper, “It’s ok.  I’m here.  It will all work out for good – your good, and My Glory”.


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