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Dutch Doll baby quilt November 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts, Quilting.

(Picture coming soon)

This is the  first and (so far) only quilt I have made.   My homeschool group did these as a home-ec project.  I think mine was the smallest – I just did a baby quilt and the others were doing either single or full-size ones!  I’m glad for my first one that it was as small as it was!  I’m afraid if it had been any bigger, I would almost have been too overwhelmed to finish it!

Except for the white background squares, I used all left-over scraps my mom had from other sewing projects.  I even used batting scraps and whip-stitched them together to go in the inside.  I was quite pleased with how it ended up turning out, seeing as how I’ve had no real quilting experience.  Any seasoned quilter could examine it and tell it was a beginner job, but I’m satisfied with it as a ‘first’.

I hope to donate it to a charity ( if my mom doesn’t claim it for herself first ;) ) .


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