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About me


I will say right out, I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Everything I do is for the ultimate purpose of glorifying God.  If you are not a believer, that is your choice, but trust me, one day you will wish you had chosen Him.  It is my prayer that many of you will be encouraged to accept Him through this blog.  It’s a wonderful life!  There are bumps and struggles, of course, but there is Someone to turn to in those times Who will never leave you alone.

I am very southern and very patriotic.  Pray for America!

I am a freshman in college, majoring in Web Development Technology.  Actually, starting this blog was part of an assignment for one of my classes, but it worked out pretty good, because I have been wanting to start a blog for some time.

I love people!  I’m not always the best at communicating what I would like to – I tend to stick my foot in my mouth alot – but I love them anyway, and want the best for them.


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