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Peace in the Storm October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 28, 2009


Many despair when the thunders role and the rains fall, 

When times seem dark, and the wind is fierce. 

But they don’t think of the thunder as a challenge,

They don’t feel the cool refreshing of the rain. 

They don’t accept the darkness as a refuge

Or the wind as the breath of Heaven…

There is beauty to be found anywhere – if we will have eyes to see it.

Cream Afghan October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts, Crochet.
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Sept. 23, 2009 


I originally made this afghan as a wedding present for the sister of one of my close friends.   It took me quite a while . . . by the time I finished it she was married, and I hated to send it late.   I decided to put it away for another occasion.

I have always wished I had brothers, and since I don’t have any, I have cousins and friends who are my “adopted” brothers.  This summer, one of these “brothers” got married, and I wanted a special gift to give him and his wife.  This afghan was one of my biggest projects.  It has also won more prizes than any one of my other creations.  I felt it was right for the occasion.

Revelation Rose October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 19, 2009


“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

                                                                                                                                  Rev. 4:11

October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts.
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Sept. 12, 2009


Probably what first got me started crafting was when my mom taught me how to crochet.  I was about eight or nine, but I remember how it almost seemed like magic – how you could take just a long, ordinary piece of yarn or string and a metal hook, and turn it into a blanket, or a hat, potholders, scarves, lacy doilys, or just about anything you set your mind to.  I’ve been at it ever since!



Rocking Chair Reflections October 7, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 7, 2009


Have you ever taken the time to just sit on the front porch of a country house, enjoying the sunrise, or the lovely light after an autumn rain?  Perhaps there were two or three chairs, and you were blessed to be able to spend the special moment with some friends or family.  Did it make you thankful to be alive?  Did it calm your soul, or inspire your spirit?

I have been blessed with many of these moments.  They didn’t all take place on a front porch or in a rocking chair, but it seems like each time I get down or discouraged, the Lord sends me a moment like that – one that seems to whisper, “It’s ok.  I’m here.  It will all work out for good – your good, and My Glory”.

October 1, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Crafts.
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Sept. 5, 2009


I enjoy trying a variety of creative projects, and though I am not really experienced in any (except maybe crocheting), I always enjoy working with my hands and experimenting with something new.

I’ve tried crocheting, knitting, embroidery, counted cross-stich, sewing, quilting, basketmaking, some woodworking, art, photography, and beading.  I always try to do my best (and work on getting better) at anything I undertake.

Praise the Lord – With Music October 1, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Photography.
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Sept. 2, 2009


“Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary: Praise him in the firmamemt of His power.  Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp.  Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.  Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord…”

                                                                                                                                                        parts of Psalms 150

Redemption Necklace October 1, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Beading, Crafts.
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Aug.  29, 2009


I did not originally make this necklace, but I did restring it.


A friend of mine was over visiting.  I noticed the dainty green and white bead necklace she was wearing, and made a mental note of the design, hoping to recreate it – so simple, yet so lovely.  Some time later, while involved in a vigorous activity, her necklace broke, and (though she seemed dissapointed) she made no mention of fixing or restringing it, and dropped it in the trash.  I was a bit surprised, and considered offering to fix it for her, but realized that under the circumstances, it probably would seem more like a criticism than a help.  So later I went back and gathered the pieces, sterilized them thoroughly, and restrung the necklace.

The Lord does the same for us.  In so many cases, those who become His children are the ones who have been discarded by the rest of us – the ones who know little human love and kindness, and so are more likely to appreciate His Love for the treasure it is.  The outcasts, the ‘unmentionables’, those who “it’s sad, but they probably will never change.”  And so we give up on them.  Then – when the pessimists aren’t looking (or sometimes even when they are) – the One Who ‘bore our pain and carried our sorrows’ steps in, picks up the pieces of their broken lives, lovingly washes, polishes, and mends, then restrings the jewels He created, and leans back to watch the world wonder at the transformation.

Welcome August 28, 2009

Posted by shdwgrl in Welcome.
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Hello!  Welcome to the Working With Our Hands blog!

I love to work with my hands –  I love to create.  

The Bible has alot to say about working, creating, keeping busy, and about using one’s talents to help others.  God Himself set us an example: He created us! 

I love to release my creative drive by making gifts for friends and family.  I also sell some of my items.  But either way, each of my crafts has a story, a personality, a reason behind it’s creation – just as each of us has been created for a specific purpose.  I hope that, in sharing some of my stories, you will be encouraged to learn more about your Creator, and the reason for your creation.

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